Design, 3d Model Development and documentation
The Taylor residence envisioned grandeur for there newly built home on their farmland in Waimauku. Knowing the full potential for their property they worked alongside our design team to bring their dreams to reality.
Installation of a swimming pool area with sauna, spa and changing room facilities created a space to be enjoyed in excess. Connection to the property stream, where enhancement of the natural landscape would take place, also created a relaxing environment to step away from the daily running of the home and take in the breath taking environment proposed. An angled grass bank made from material cut from the pool development and the proposal for a play fort within a native plant setting increased the play opportunities for the children and young visitors.
Inclusion of other self-sustaining features such as a orchid, vege gardens, composting and chicken run provided the family with food while recycling their garden and food waste to the benefit of the environment.
"The Mangakino Skate Facility integrates harmoniously with an existing public square and consists of a range of miniramps and innovative ramp features including the 'shark tooth'."